Sunday 13 January 2013


little a can read now, really quite well. But she's not devouring books, not by any stretch. And for stories at bed time, she's still going back to the old favourites. Which isn't making for a very active blog ... there's only so many times you can write about Princess Poppy (though seemingly no limit to the number of times you can read the books).

This week, though, we have a new love, and it's entirely mutual. I have been lucky enough, through work, to be given an early finished copy of the very beautiful A YEAR OF FAMILY LIFE by Doodlemum. My new heroine, the author draws a picture a day and posts it to her blog, and together they make up a lovely lovely tribute to the irresistible chaos of kids, chickens and washing machines that feels familiar even if you don't have three children or hens.

So it's going on my shelf next to Island Wife, Miranda Hart, Caitlin Moran, Gabi Hinsliffe as inspiring guide to suriving modern womanhood.

Or it would be, if little a hadn't stolen it to read by torchlight ...