Saturday 18 September 2010

Big Dog, Little Dog

Can we read my favourite book in all the world? The red and green one?

This is one of those books I'd forgotten I remembered. When I found it in a box of old books at my parents' house, the familiarity was instant.

I don't know what it is about the illustrations, the simplicity of the story, but this has to be a classic component to any child's book collection.

Fred and Ted (surprisingly chic in a 70s knitwear catalogue kind of a way, given they're only clad in roll-neck jumpers) couldn't be more different - or better friends.

But when they get into a pickle over finding a good night's sleep, it's a bird who has the answer (of course).

Happy to make this particular trip down memory lane as many times as little a requires!

PS not particularly book-related, but this week gave in to a long-held temptation and bought an imperia pasta maker. Little a took to it like a duck to water - or more like a laundry-mistress to a mangle. Highlight was chomping on wolf-shaped pasta while singing 'who's afraid of the big bad wolf' ...

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